Thesaurus Nex


Jumping right into my next sprint wasn’t an easy task. I’ve been prototyping a lot of apps lately. Some just exercises during my UX class, but regardless I had a little bit of app-block if you will. What corner of the market can I target? What haven’t I explored already? What sounds fun? What can I complete in a two week period on top of everything else I’m working on?

Well, after shooting down every other idea, I decided to stay in the semi-hands-free zone started with the Diane app. This one however is larger-in-scope voice recognition thesaurus.

Say you’re writing a paper and you while revising it you realize you’ve used a word one too many times. You could Google a replacement or type the word into an online thesaurus, but that wastes valuable keystrokes. Instead why don’t you just ask Thesaurus Nex Voisaurus? He’ll scour the web for definitions, uses, examples and of course synonyms, antonyms and all the related words you could ever need. Plus, if you really like any particular words you can save them as a favorite. Just be sure not to fall prey to overuse. That’s what got you into this situation in the first place right?

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