Special Topics Class Independent Project

I finished the first week of my final year at Seattle Central’s Graphic Design program today. For me to say I’m excited would be understating the breadth of feelings hitting me at every waking (and sleeping) moment. Suffice it to say that I’m delightfully overwhelmed.

One of my classes is titled ‘Special Topics’ and it’s geared to put the ball in your court; think independent study with a subjectively personal touch.

My topic of choice in this special class is to design a WordPress CMS based subsidiary site to an already ongoing Magazine project. The online portion of this ‘Zine’ will contain all the multimedia (music, videos, performances, etc.) that I cannot feature through traditional print means. This may include an interactive photo essay on the album release of an up-and-coming local musician or a new video showcasing the talents of a premiere cinematographer.

Whatever the content, the coverage and presentation is key. Which is why I’m teaming up with a fellow friend and colleague Kari Champoux to help get this vast sprawling project out the door successfully.

Stay tuned for weekly updates and progress reports.